FLO Advertising x UpTycs

Uptycs’ decision to advertise on Flo Advertising’s mobile billboard trucks during the AWS re:Invent conference in Las Vegas was a strategic move. The conference is a highly anticipated event in the technology industry and attracts a large audience of developers and engineers, system administrators, systems architects, IT executives, and technical decision-makers.

Given that Uptycs is a cybersecurity company, it made perfect sense for them to leverage FLO Advertising to increase brand awareness and promote their services.

Mobile digital billboard trucks offer several benefits over traditional forms of advertising, such as print or online ads. They provide high visibility to a targeted audience. By strategically positioning the mobile digital billboard trucks near the convention center, hotels and casinos, and other high-traffic areas, Uptycs was able to effectively reach its target audience of tech professionals and decision-makers who are interested in cybersecurity.

Another advantage of mobile digital billboard trucks is the flexibility.

The trucks can be driven to different locations around the city, ensuring that Uptycs’ message reaches a wider audience beyond the convention center. In addition, the messaging on the trucks can be updated in real-time to reflect the latest updates or promotions, enabling Uptycs to capitalize on the latest industry trends and stay top-of-mind for potential customers.

Ready to advertise? FLO Advertising provides a unique and impactful advertising experience. Our trucks are equipped with high-resolution LED screens, providing bright and attention-grabbing graphics that are sure to capture the attention of passersby. With the ability to drive to high-traffic areas and targeted locations, we offer unparalleled flexibility in your advertising strategy.

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